Seems to resolve the issue, but I'm not sure why this would be a multiline text.
We have filed Apple Feedback #: 12A7403 and 8819661. Thanks, Quinn!
I don't think we're able to include our project. It is pretty big. We have noticed that the methods that crash include a std::function<> as a parameter. If we remove this parameter from the method, the debugger does not appear to crash anymore. We continue to work on a smaller repro case, but any additional info I can add, I will. It is limited to specific methods and not the application as a whole.
We have another set of crash reports included on feedback #: FB8885767.
If anything this is getting worse with subsequent releases of Xcode. I crash just stepping over code in C\++ on my M1 Mac Mini now running Xcode 12.4 (12D4e) on Big Sur (11.2 20D6). I submitted my most recent set of crash logs with feedback #FB8983057. Would really love to be able to use the debugger for C++ projects again.
Thanks for the reply. I can confirm it still occurs on my app as well with 11.3.1. It seems like OpenGL got broken and I don't know if Apple has any desire to fix it as it was marked deprecated.
You have to use Xcode 14.2 to target 16.3 on a connected device. If you build an archive build you should be able to side load it to your device, but it isn't a great debugging experience.
I see ld: warning: ignoring duplicate library '-lc++' along with ld: warning: ignoring duplicate library '-lz' in my project in Xcode 15 Beta 5. I've double checked and I'm not including them anywhere explicitly. I am getting less of them than I got in previous Xcode 15 beta builds.
You're using Beta software. Xcode 14.3.1 isn't supported on Sonoma and Xcode 15 isn't out of beta yet. Neither is Sonoma for that matter.
std::pmr::get_default_resource is available in C++17 and later, but I'm not sure when / if it was fully supported by Xcode. You might want to double check your C++ version in your project to make sure you're linking to a new enough version of libc++.
Define _LIBCPP_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL and you should get it. See <__ranges/join_view.h> for the explanation:
// Note: `join_view` is still marked experimental because there is an ABI-breaking change that affects `join_view` in
// the pipeline (https://isocpp.org/files/papers/D2770R0.html).
// TODO: make `join_view` non-experimental once D2770 is implemented.
Funnily enough, the URL in the header file appears to be incorrect, but P2770R0 https://isocpp.org/files/papers/P2770R0.html correct.
iOS 18 is in beta and has to be used with Xcode 16 beta.
Just a guess, but since this is an iOS 18 feature and that is supported in Xcode 16, I imagine you'd have to use Xcode 16 to see those options.
It seems to be trailing off after 94 minutes and I am now able to load when previously I was not. We changed nothing on our end. Seems to be Unity Ads related and not Apple.
I think I figured it out, because of course after I make a post I do. I turned off dead code stripping along with modifying the strip behavior to not remove global symbols on strip. The plugins now seem to load successfully.